Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 18, 2013

Hello Everyone,

It has been awhile since my last post. A lot of you may have been caught up by other family members  but currently I am working 2 jobs. I am still flying for Penair. Times at Penair haven't been very encouraging in the last year but things are hopefully on the turn around. I recently got a job as a handyman at the apartment complex I live at. Money is getting better. Hopefully soon I will get a great opportunity to fly elsewhere. That is currently under review so I have my fingers crossed. I also need to get my Airline Transport Pilots license soon. That is due by August 2013. It has been federally mandated so its not optional. It will cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 3200 bucks. That is my current focus. I just had Granny & Poppy up here for 1 week. We went clamming and shopping. We ended up finding Poppy an AR-15 at Sportsmans Wearhouse. It is pretty slick. Going to go shoot it tomorrow and make sure it is right on. I need to come down soon to have a visit. I also got engaged recently. That was an awesome experience. They wedding isn't until next summer so we have some time to plan. Hope all is well for everyone!
