Friday, July 17, 2015

July 16th, 2015

Well, It's been a couple of years since my last post. My Granny told me that I should start keeping this blog updated. I decided that maybe I will start writing on this blog periodically. I hope some friends and family will keep up on reading it. Anyways, A lot has happened since my last post. I was hired by Compass Airlines October 2013. My fiancé and I decided to move home to Seattle. We were both very excited to be back in the state we both grew up in. The trek home was much more tame the second time. Poppy came up to Alaska once more and drove with me all the way home to Seattle. This time we drove my Chevrolet Silverado. Much more comfortable for the both of us. I am sure lucky to have such awesome grandparents that support me. After we moved home I began the 2 months of training required to work at Compass. I got to stay with my wife, mom's cousins in Minnesota during training. It was such an unbelievable experience to be welcomed into someones house and have them treat you like their own. I now will forever have family in Minnesota. I can't even begin to explain the gratitude I feel for Ken and Kathy Looper. Thank you. The Seattle Seahawks also won the Superbowl that year so it was quite a year for me. I have been a fan of the Seahawks since 1986 when Seattle got their NFL team. What a year!!!! I sat on line for two weeks at Compass, until I broke my ankle. Unbelievable. I had two surgeries and casts for months on end. I missed 6 months of work. It was the hardest recovery I have ever gone through. However, I was able to see my sisters final year of high school softball. I also got to plan a lot of the wedding with my wife. Looking back on the whole situation makes me feel so strongly that everything happens for a reason. I can't even imagine the things I would have missed had I been working for those 6 months. Blessing in disguise! Since September of 2014, I returned to work as a first officer. I worked hard and six months later, I upgraded to Captain. That has been an unbelievable journey. I am only 2 months off of training and it only gets funner and funner. Compass has been growing like crazy. When I was hired in 2013 they only had Minneapolis and Detroit bases. As of June 2015, Compass now has Minneapolis, Los Angeles, and Seattle. I have been with Compass for 18 months now and I am loving it. I am a Captain and I am based at home. I am so very lucky. The decision to go to Compass was the best decision I have made to further my career as an Airline Pilot. I do think about Alaska quite a bit. I miss the fishing and the hunting the most. The flying is much more exciting up there but I feel much safer navigating the skies of the Lower 48! I know.... A lot has happened. I promise to keep you all updated more often then I have. Currently, my wife and I are looking to buy a house. Thats the latest news. I will keep you updated on our findings! Wish me luck!