Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ice.....and more Ice!

Today it was the coldest I have seen it here. It was 3 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind was blowing 30 Gusting to 40 knots. Including the windchill factor it was 18 below zero today. A bit nippy. Only did one flight today. Pretty windy and saw some of the slowest speeds over the ground I have seen yet. When we were climbing out of the chigniks are speed over the ground was 62 knots. Extremely slow! Took off out of our shortest runway today. It was gusting to 30 knots. Pretty cool. I landed back into king salmon with winds in the 40 knot range. Did a perfect crosswind landing and got a big pat on the back from the captain that doesn't see eye to eye with me. I am all ready to come back to Seattle this Friday the 18th. I will be back here November 30th to start my next shift. Anyways hope everyone is well!

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