Saturday, November 5, 2011

Last few days

For all of you waiting on the next edition to my blog, I was able to leave chignik bay the same day we had the fire. We waited at the school for 5 hours till the other caravan picked us up. We went down the next morning and picked up the caravan. One of our mechanics fixed it. Basically the annunciator panel fried and fused together which caused the smoke. On the ride out it was pretty windy and there was lots of turbulence. We got tossed around pretty good. The turbulence was so bad that we pulled positive and negative Gs. Everything hit the ceiling including the passengers and myself. Gotta keep the seatbelt tight! Been flying a lot since then. Taking a lot of food, mail, and freight to and from villages. Lots of people have been flying as well. Saw a huge bull moose and a cow laying in an open snow field. We were at 500 feet and 200 knots. Pretty cool. That's as low as we can go. Winds were pretty strong so it was helpful and hurtful. Fast going there but slow coming back. Otherwise I am good. Meeting some friends and hunting when we can. Pretty cool. Anyways, see u later!

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