Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25, 2012

Well, I am officially on Vacation as of thursday night. I am really excited! Great news at Penair... Two of our guys got hired on at Alaska Airlines. Bad news.... We are firing around 6-8 more guys. We are all hoping it will be the useless FOs that make too much money. I hope to still have a job when I return which I do believe I will. We are the cheapest pilots in the company. It wouldn't make sense to fire us. But you never know I guess. Hopefully, I impressed everyone I flew with. Mexico is looking good. We have all the paperwork and the tickets. Everything is lining up. All of us here are hoping the company survives. I really need this job in order to move on with my career. If not there are a lot of hopefuls down in the lower 48 who are hiring. Anyways, nothing is really new here. The weather is still staying semi nice. Today we are off to the Alaska State Fair!!! Shall be a good time! Alex is excited for her fair food. Packing and getting things ready for mexico tomorrow and monday. We leave tuesday afternoon at 3:30 ADT. We will be in Dallas at 6am. Then on to cancun around 9am. We will be back on the 2nd hopefully. Dozer is so excited to go back to summer camp! He is counting down the days and it sometimes feels like he is pushing us out the door! Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. I know a certain captain at Republic Airways Holdings who would be happy to write you a letter of rec if you're interested in joining our circus! ;) Hope your vacation was fantastic. Good luck with your current job. If they decide to let you go, think of this: US Airways is currently accepting apps, United and DL plan to hire next year, and I know the little regional I work for can't get enough people. The floodgates will open soon!!

  2. Could you email me some specifics on Republic? Where would I go to apply?

  3. Well crap, Danny, I just saw your response and latest blog entry! I looked for an email address on your profile, but couldn't find one. You are welcome to email me at I know Republic is hiring across all certificates. No ATP is required, but they are pretty firm on the 1500 hour minimum.
