Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Back in King Salmon for the last time!

This is my final shift... I am upgrading to the Saab! I am outta here! Haha... I'm flying with Captain Pip and Captain Mich! Easy flying and fun flying for me for the next week. Then Alex and my parents are coming up to anchorage to watch the iditarod and search for places to live! I'm getting anxious to move. I can't wait to have my own place and be flying the Saab! It's gonna be fun. I rode in the jumpseat out to king salmon with the captain and first officer. It's a pretty neat airplane. I am excited to eat at some of anchorages best places. It's going to be good. Moose tooth, glacier brew house, platinum jaxx, and humpy's. Joel left yesterday and is done out here in the salmon. We start school on march 26th. I was gonna see if Joel wanted to come check out Seattle in march since this has been the first month in awhile where we are both off. We will see. Anyways, talk to everyone soon.


  1. Enjoy your last stay in King Salmon. Dont forget to take pictures of your rooms. It will be great to look back on. Granny

  2. Neither you or Joel are going back to king Salmon? Who will be the FO In King from march 2nd to the 26th? DAD
