Saturday, February 25, 2012

Stuck in the Lake

Another flat tire down in the chigs. Spent 4 hours at chignik lake. Pretty cool. Got to eat some canned king salmon sandwiches. It was nice to see the village. Storm is a brewing here in Bristol bay. Pretty windy right now and my power is flickering. I'm not going to be happy if the damn power goes out. Anyways, pretty good flight day. Chigs got worse and worse as we waited for another plane to get to the lake carrying a mechanic and a new wheel. Supposed to do a charter tomorrow. We will see. Also supposed to take a casket and family to Clark's point. It will be my first non living passenger. Kinda feel weird about it. It will be interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Danny. I just wanted to send a note saying good luck in upgrade training. We've never met, but I do so enjoy reading your blogs. Can't wait for an update! I know you'll be a good captain. Fly safe and study hard.

