Thursday, June 21, 2012

3:30 will come early

After my nice 2 days off I get to go back to my 3:30am Dutch flights. Only 3 more to go and I am done with them for the rest of the month. I am stoked to be done with them as they have been very tiring. Only need to push through 3 more... Who knows maybe the weather will be shitty one day and get it cancelled? That would be nice. Anyways, cleaned the entire apartment today. Washing all the clothes and almost done. Then I need to take Dozer to the park and then back here for bed time. Talk to you soon!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yes, I will take a cup of your Dutch blend!

Went to the Dutch Harbor airport this morning. Had to stop twice just to make it to the airport without running out of fuel. All of our flights were cancelled to Dutch yesterday due to weather. 8 flights are scheduled for there today. Im back home now playing with dozer and trying to get him acquainted with life in Alaska. He is doing well so far. Still on the "dont leave daddys side" routine. Im sure its just a matter of time and he will be up and running. We are planning on a park adventure here soon. Not sure which one I want to go to yet. I will figure it out and we will be on the road. Plus...he needs to poop somewhere in the woods were picking it up is not needed. Haha. Thats one thing I refuse to do if I can get away with it!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Seattle Bound

Leaving soon for Seattle. I still am waiting for the all clear from Penair Traffic. Hopefully they will get back to me soon! Weather is really bad here today. Lots of rain and fog! Things are starting to look more like home around here. My apartment is taking shape. I have a three day weekend starting now!!!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Apartment coming together

Alex came up this weekend and brought a nice load of things. Got everything put away and got a few things. We have a couch now! It even reclines... I'm on reserve today and yesterday. Making my way down to seattle this week to pick up my dog and a few other last minute things. Having a lot of visitors these last few weeks. Can not wait to get this month behind me with this crap schedule. Almost halfway done. Anyways, I will be in the Seattle area wednesday, thursday, and friday. I will do my best to make the rounds!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Round 2

Well, I am going to work at 2:30am tomorrow. Starting round two of the 3 round bout with this schedule. I am confident it will be easier flying it for 3 days rather than 4 from here on out. This mopnth is kind of all over the place but next month I will use my seniority to get a much better schedule that I can get a second job with. Also, need to come back to the right side of the clock. This backside of the clock is crazy! But it has worked out alright for my dad being here with me on this schedule. Dad is going home on saturday. I hope he has had fun. Kinda sucks being here when I am in bed from 5pm-1am. But it has worked out. Alex is coming up friday night with a load of things. She will be staying here until tuesday when I go back home for a load of things and the K-9. This will be her first time seeing our place. Hope she likes it and we can see a few things while she is here. Maybe get a couch is the cards are right. Anyways, Im off to sleep for another exciting night down to Dutch. Goodnight!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Yesterday I got called at 3pm saying my flight had changed. I was the lucky one to get picked to go to Cold bay at 1:45am. I was not very happy. I just feel like I am being jerked around. I have my schedule that was given to me. I didn't get to pick it. It was assigned because I was never given bidding information. So, I am dealing with the crap shit this month which has actually turned out to workout ok for me. Now though when you start screwing with that schedule it makes it difficult to have a second job. If you can't plan ahead you have nothing. Plus my dad is in town and trying to show him anchorage and have fun is hard when my schedule could change at any minute. They did remove me from my flight today and my reserve. That was very nice of them to do so I feel better about it. If I didn't go this morning the flight would have been cancelled. To me it seems like we need a few more pilots but what do I know about running an airline? Anyways, we have a big trip planned for today. Heading south on the Glenn highway 1! Glaciers, bears, and salmon oh my! Alex is coming up friday evening to move some things. I am excited to see her and show her the apartment. Hopefully she likes it!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

last day of shit

Tomorrow morning is my last day of early flight for a few days. Sucks going to bed around 2pm to 5pm. But it is becoming normal. Kind of annoys me because my dad is here now and its hard playing host when you are flying and sleeping so much. But we are making the most of it. Tomorrow we are going get my dad tickets on a penair flight with me as the FO. Should be comical to see his expressions. Off to bed!

Friday, June 1, 2012

3282/3 3:30am Departure

Well, this morning was an early flight. Met yet another new captain. He is awesome. Totally laid back and to the point. My kinda guy. We even took turns taking naps....HAHAHA!!!! He is awesome. Super nice and helpful. We got down to dutch harbor at 6:30am. That is early!!! My dad comes in tonight on Alaska Airlines. Going to bed at 2pm rather than 5pm to pick him up. Should be a fun time. Sucks I have to work this schedule but it will only get better!