Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Yesterday I got called at 3pm saying my flight had changed. I was the lucky one to get picked to go to Cold bay at 1:45am. I was not very happy. I just feel like I am being jerked around. I have my schedule that was given to me. I didn't get to pick it. It was assigned because I was never given bidding information. So, I am dealing with the crap shit this month which has actually turned out to workout ok for me. Now though when you start screwing with that schedule it makes it difficult to have a second job. If you can't plan ahead you have nothing. Plus my dad is in town and trying to show him anchorage and have fun is hard when my schedule could change at any minute. They did remove me from my flight today and my reserve. That was very nice of them to do so I feel better about it. If I didn't go this morning the flight would have been cancelled. To me it seems like we need a few more pilots but what do I know about running an airline? Anyways, we have a big trip planned for today. Heading south on the Glenn highway 1! Glaciers, bears, and salmon oh my! Alex is coming up friday evening to move some things. I am excited to see her and show her the apartment. Hopefully she likes it!

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