Thursday, June 7, 2012

Round 2

Well, I am going to work at 2:30am tomorrow. Starting round two of the 3 round bout with this schedule. I am confident it will be easier flying it for 3 days rather than 4 from here on out. This mopnth is kind of all over the place but next month I will use my seniority to get a much better schedule that I can get a second job with. Also, need to come back to the right side of the clock. This backside of the clock is crazy! But it has worked out alright for my dad being here with me on this schedule. Dad is going home on saturday. I hope he has had fun. Kinda sucks being here when I am in bed from 5pm-1am. But it has worked out. Alex is coming up friday night with a load of things. She will be staying here until tuesday when I go back home for a load of things and the K-9. This will be her first time seeing our place. Hope she likes it and we can see a few things while she is here. Maybe get a couch is the cards are right. Anyways, Im off to sleep for another exciting night down to Dutch. Goodnight!


  1. Holy crap, what a schedule! Thank you for giving me NOTHING to complain about. What is so important that the public needs to be somewhere at 0230???? This is another one of those character building things that will contribute to your awesome-ness as a pilot. Your work ethic is beyond admirable. Hang in there - better times for all of us pilots are around the corner!!

  2. All of the cannerys in these places are shipping people in at all hours of the clock! We only have so many hours in the day and only so many planes/crews so we have no choice. June, July, and January are pretty much round the clock operations!

  3. Hahaha I don't miss those crapy red eye Dutch turns!!! Crew scheduling puts them on anyone they can cause no one else will take them...." yeah I want to fly to the end of the earth in the middle of the night in the shittiest weather this planet can produce" fuck crew scheduling!!!!!!
