Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yes, I will take a cup of your Dutch blend!

Went to the Dutch Harbor airport this morning. Had to stop twice just to make it to the airport without running out of fuel. All of our flights were cancelled to Dutch yesterday due to weather. 8 flights are scheduled for there today. Im back home now playing with dozer and trying to get him acquainted with life in Alaska. He is doing well so far. Still on the "dont leave daddys side" routine. Im sure its just a matter of time and he will be up and running. We are planning on a park adventure here soon. Not sure which one I want to go to yet. I will figure it out and we will be on the road. Plus...he needs to poop somewhere in the woods were picking it up is not needed. Haha. Thats one thing I refuse to do if I can get away with it!

1 comment:

  1. I have a roll of plastic bags I'll send you for around you apartment. You have to pick it up.
