Monday, July 2, 2012

Tweeto Sighting

The last week has been great. Alex is finally moved up here and living full time. We are getting her all settled into the apartment and getting her insurance and looking for jobs. I have been flying a lot and have been very busy. I have 3 days off starting tomorrow. I have flown with a couple new captains. I like all but 1. The guy today was an asshole for no particular reason. I don't understand why. Lighten up! My landing was WAY better than his. Maybe that was part of it! Yesterday Alex and I saw Jim and Ferno Tweeto at the ERA gate. We were going to go over there and get a picture but of course we didn't want to bother them. They were heading back home from what I heard. The weather was crappy in Unalakleet yesterday so I wonder if they made it out there. I have seen a few of those guys from TV. Today we finally got our new uniform stuff. It looks alright I guess. Not really fond of the puke yellow epaulets but I will get over it. Going to the store today and getting a few things! Talk to everyone later!

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