Thursday, May 31, 2012

3:30am Dutch.....Really?

Well, I still have not gotten a hard copy of the schedule but I have been informed the I am flying at 3:30 in the morning to Dutch harbor and return. Come on! Who in the hell says top themselves....lets go to Dutch harbor at 3:30am? This isn't the super busy season so why are we flying so early...AH! Actually though...It woulnt be too bad. Just need to adjust my sleep schedule to the other side of the clock! Eating dinner and then going to bed!!!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

1st Visitor

Yesterday was a solid day. Flew to Dillingham and back. Met a new captain. He was a younger guy. I really liked him. He was super relaxed and we had a good time bullshitting. Last night I got a text from Jesse. A friend I went to central with and referred him for the caravan job. He was coming into town late and was going out this morning to Dillingham to start his shift. He got into town around the time I got back from Dillingham. So I went and picked him up. Gave him a place to stay and a mattress to sleep on. I'm thinking I will see him out there sometime soon when I go out there in the Saab. Anyways, I am on reserve today so I will get a call at 1pm letting me know I am released for the day or need to work. We will see.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Last night was a late one. Didn't get back to my apartment till 2:00am. Fun stuff. I have been doing a lot of sleeping and a lot of flying which is good. I need the money. I am on reserve today and of course they used me to fly to Dillingham at 7:30 tonight! No rest for the wicked! Its alright though. I am getting long nights of sleep and I am staying well rested. Being home every night as an airline pilot for a regional airline is quite a perk. I don't know of any other airline that offers that to their pilots. Granted we may not be at home a lot in the summer because of the busy flight schedule but when it is time to sleep I will be in my own bed. So far no complaints as far as captains go. I am flying with a new captain tonight so we will see how nice he is. Looks pretty windy in Dillingham today so it should be fun! Talk to you later

Monday, May 28, 2012

First Shift...persepective changer

The flight went well last night. The captain was very nice. We are doing the same flight tonight. 6:15-1:00am. Weather has been really crappy down there all morning so we will see what happens tonight. Hopefully the weather cooperates. Funny story last night... The eagles in Dutch are massive and they enjoy sitting on the runway. There were two birds just looking at us as we taxied slow down to the end of the runway. We got closer and closer and the bird just stared at us. Unshaken. We tried to scare it with loud noises from the propellers and it didn't budge. We would have probably run it over before it moved. VERY BOLD BIRDS! As you could imagine, Bold birds cause BIG problems. I couldn't believe how fearless these birds are. We are 3,000 times its weight and the damn bird acted like we were a rodent. That bird just stared right at me through the window. No fear whatsoever... We were so close to it that I could see its eyes looking into mine. Very humbling moment. Even though we were much bigger than him, he didn't care. He was going to defend his piece of the pavement regardless of consequence. Nature is kind of funny like that. It teaches us lessons about life and how we should look at things. Definitely gave me a different perspective on fear.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Tonight will be my first line flight. This means that it will be my first non-training flight. I am excited for it but kinda nervous because I do not know who I will be flying with. I know his name but who knows if they are nice or not? I have heard just about every person here are nice people but there are a few that are a little more up tight. Thats alright though. Every job has those kinds of bosses. At my job I just have 60 bosses to like/dislike. My flight is from 6pm tonight to 1am tomorrow morning. I think I will try to bid these flights once I get my first bid. That way they are more relaxed and not so much traffic. This spring in anchorage has been a wet one. Lots of rain here and right around 50 degrees. We have had a few nice days but it is raining hard today. I can't believe training is finally over! It has been two months of agonizing crap. At least now I can start working and make some money to survive on!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

OE Finished

My initial operating experience is complete! Signed off today!!! Start flying the line tomorrow night. I fly to Dutch Harbor 6:15pm-1:00am. Should be fun. Hopefully, the weather will cooperate. I flew 8.7 hours today and I am exhausted! Time to sleep!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

1st Flight Complete

Well, I survived my first flight in the Saab 340. It went really well. I made a really nice landing back into Anchorage. I landed a little long but hey it was my first landing. I fly two flights tomorrow. One to sandpoint and the other to dillingham. I cant wait to get back in the air and get more comfortable with the airplane. I am flying with my sim instructor and hope it goes well. I have a feeling he will get a little quizzy. Which is fine because I learn from it but hopefully he just focuses on teaching me how to fly the real plane. Anyways, Talk to everyone tomorrow!

Peninsula 3294

Today is my first flight in the Saab 340. I am extremely nervous but I am also confident in my abilities to fly this airplane. We have 19 passengers going down and 19 coming back. This is a Direct Dutch Harbor flight. It is approximately 3 hours one way. I am also very excited to see Dutch Harbor. I have never been down there and it is sure to be beautiful. Skies are clear and visibility nearly unlimited. Perfect day for my first flight. Who would have thought that only 11 months after graduating from college would I be flying a 30,000 lb airplane with 22 peoples lives in my hands. I am amazed at the sobering effect responsiblity plays on me as an airline pilot. I think eventually I wouln't even think twice about having 30 passengers or even 300 someday. I am very lucky to have come this far after such a short time in the real world of commercial aviation. I would like to thank my family, friends, and CWU for all the support and encouragement. And for all of you wondering why the heck I havent been writing very much....I am back into writing daily on my blog. I will try to get at least 2-4 posts weekly. Stay tuned to hear how my first flight goes! Anyone in the Anchorage area who hears Peninsula 3294 or 3295... That will be me talking!!! See you later!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saab 340 Qualified!

Well, training is finally over! I am exhausted but my hard work paid off. I am now qualified to fly the Saab 340 in the right seat as Second In Command! It was a long haul but it is finally over. I got my apartment all squared away Anchorage and plan to start IOE(initial operating experience) early next week. Should be interesting. Anyways, heres to advancing my career!