Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Saab 340 Qualified!

Well, training is finally over! I am exhausted but my hard work paid off. I am now qualified to fly the Saab 340 in the right seat as Second In Command! It was a long haul but it is finally over. I got my apartment all squared away Anchorage and plan to start IOE(initial operating experience) early next week. Should be interesting. Anyways, heres to advancing my career!


  1. Congratulations!! A new airplane, new routes, and a hopefully a bump in pay! Never flown a Saab, but I've flown with lots of people who have. They loved the airplane, and if I had money to bet, you will too. Good luck on IOE and raise a few glasses to your success!

  2. Danny we are so proud of you and wish you the best in Anchorage. Poppy has been there and hopely I will get there also. Heard you were your Mom's night in shinning armor yesterday. What will she do with out YOU?
