Monday, May 28, 2012

First Shift...persepective changer

The flight went well last night. The captain was very nice. We are doing the same flight tonight. 6:15-1:00am. Weather has been really crappy down there all morning so we will see what happens tonight. Hopefully the weather cooperates. Funny story last night... The eagles in Dutch are massive and they enjoy sitting on the runway. There were two birds just looking at us as we taxied slow down to the end of the runway. We got closer and closer and the bird just stared at us. Unshaken. We tried to scare it with loud noises from the propellers and it didn't budge. We would have probably run it over before it moved. VERY BOLD BIRDS! As you could imagine, Bold birds cause BIG problems. I couldn't believe how fearless these birds are. We are 3,000 times its weight and the damn bird acted like we were a rodent. That bird just stared right at me through the window. No fear whatsoever... We were so close to it that I could see its eyes looking into mine. Very humbling moment. Even though we were much bigger than him, he didn't care. He was going to defend his piece of the pavement regardless of consequence. Nature is kind of funny like that. It teaches us lessons about life and how we should look at things. Definitely gave me a different perspective on fear.

1 comment:

  1. You dont want to hit the bird, they need dogs to chase them off. See you in a couple days, long range forcast is looking good Dad
