Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Last night was a late one. Didn't get back to my apartment till 2:00am. Fun stuff. I have been doing a lot of sleeping and a lot of flying which is good. I need the money. I am on reserve today and of course they used me to fly to Dillingham at 7:30 tonight! No rest for the wicked! Its alright though. I am getting long nights of sleep and I am staying well rested. Being home every night as an airline pilot for a regional airline is quite a perk. I don't know of any other airline that offers that to their pilots. Granted we may not be at home a lot in the summer because of the busy flight schedule but when it is time to sleep I will be in my own bed. So far no complaints as far as captains go. I am flying with a new captain tonight so we will see how nice he is. Looks pretty windy in Dillingham today so it should be fun! Talk to you later

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