Sunday, May 27, 2012


Tonight will be my first line flight. This means that it will be my first non-training flight. I am excited for it but kinda nervous because I do not know who I will be flying with. I know his name but who knows if they are nice or not? I have heard just about every person here are nice people but there are a few that are a little more up tight. Thats alright though. Every job has those kinds of bosses. At my job I just have 60 bosses to like/dislike. My flight is from 6pm tonight to 1am tomorrow morning. I think I will try to bid these flights once I get my first bid. That way they are more relaxed and not so much traffic. This spring in anchorage has been a wet one. Lots of rain here and right around 50 degrees. We have had a few nice days but it is raining hard today. I can't believe training is finally over! It has been two months of agonizing crap. At least now I can start working and make some money to survive on!


  1. Have a safe trip. Stay awake. Granny

  2. Safe travels honey! :) love mom

  3. If there was a "like" button, I'd be clicking it. Take notes from every one of those 60 bosses, and remember what you liked/disliked about all of them. When it's your turn, you will be the kind of boss people will love to fly with.
