Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Peninsula 3294

Today is my first flight in the Saab 340. I am extremely nervous but I am also confident in my abilities to fly this airplane. We have 19 passengers going down and 19 coming back. This is a Direct Dutch Harbor flight. It is approximately 3 hours one way. I am also very excited to see Dutch Harbor. I have never been down there and it is sure to be beautiful. Skies are clear and visibility nearly unlimited. Perfect day for my first flight. Who would have thought that only 11 months after graduating from college would I be flying a 30,000 lb airplane with 22 peoples lives in my hands. I am amazed at the sobering effect responsiblity plays on me as an airline pilot. I think eventually I wouln't even think twice about having 30 passengers or even 300 someday. I am very lucky to have come this far after such a short time in the real world of commercial aviation. I would like to thank my family, friends, and CWU for all the support and encouragement. And for all of you wondering why the heck I havent been writing very much....I am back into writing daily on my blog. I will try to get at least 2-4 posts weekly. Stay tuned to hear how my first flight goes! Anyone in the Anchorage area who hears Peninsula 3294 or 3295... That will be me talking!!! See you later!


  1. Have a safe and Happy Trip. Think of Poppy when you fly over Dutch. He spent a few summers there. Way to go Danny.

  2. How exciting Danny, a dream come true for you. Very proud of all of your accomlishments thus far and to think just 5 years ago you were getting ready to graduate high school! You have come a long way. Keep it up looking forward to reading more of your adventures. Love Dad
