Saturday, December 31, 2011

Back for some more fun

Well, got up at 4am this morning to make the 6am flight to Anchorage. Plane was again full and I had to ride upfront. This time I was the only jumpseater. We got about 50 miles out of Seattle and got a master caution. The left pitot de-ice system was inoperative. The weather in anchorage was going to put us into icing conditions. The crew faxed dispatch and radioed them. Dispatch told us to return. So we came back in and landed. The captain then declared and emergency because we entered the clouds. We landed safely with fire department waiting. They came on board and everything was fine. We switched planes and took off at 8:30. Got up to anchorage. Slept most of the way. Talked with a delta mechanic the rest of the time. Got into anchorage and went and had lunch at the coast international hotel. Met Joel there. We came over to the airport and are now waiting. Already got seats on the plane at 4:30. Saw one of the famous Era pilots in the terminal. The guys name is Ben. He flies the Cessna 207 on the discovery show Flying Wild Alaska. I'm sure most of you have seen him. Joel and I were temped to ask where the cameras were but didn't heckle him. Anyways, king salmon is a blazing -22F. Looking forward to a cold week! Bonfire, fireworks, and -30F tonight with our beer guy Rob. Should be fun. Hope everyone had a happy holidays. Tune in for the next 10 days of fun!

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