Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Flying part 91

Last two days have been eventful. I am finally feeling well. Did lots of flying yesterday. Only one flight today. Last night I got to go flying in a private plane owned by one of the tower guys. It was pretty fun to go up and see the area at night. I have flown at night plenty but not like this. We got to take are time and sightsee. Pretty neat. Making new friends here too which will definitely help out in the future. I figure I could go to anchorage roundtrip for 200 bucks and fill the plane full of food to come back. Have not decided to yet. Maybe in a few months. But who knows. Maybe I will just tag along when he goes once and get all the liquid type things I will need. Not sure. Our chief pilot is here today doing training for one of the new caravan captains. Probably going to dinner with him tonight. Should be fun.

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