Monday, January 23, 2012

10F down and out

Well, still at home in stanwood. Only one airplane works in king salmon so they gave me the option to stay home. The plane needs serious structural repairs. Probably from the flight my roommate Joel had a couple weeks ago! Lucky it held till the routine phase check. So, I am flying here with one of my students so I can get some hours. I'm looking really good for meeting my goal of 680 by the end of February. I got an email confirming my upgrade to the Saab! So I will be moving to anchorage in April. Pretty excited but stressed about where to live and how I am going to move! Going to cost some money that I don't have so we will see how it goes! Hopefully I figure something out soon. Still have 2 shifts in king salmon to complete. So I will write soon. Possibly Friday or Saturday.

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