Monday, January 2, 2012

Goose Down

Well, today was pretty exciting. Flew to egegik and pilot point with Captain Pip. Got back and was told we needed to go to port alsworth. Our one and only Grumman Goose went down in a frozen lake ten miles north of port alsworth. General D and I got into the Caravan and flew up. Good news is only one guy on board. The pilot survived without a scratch. Actually the plane sounds like it is not damaged. So that's good. It's was pretty scary when we got word the plane went down and we didn't know where to look. Once we got on the ground we got invited in to a local guys house for a feast. It was delicious. Lots of people were there. It was a Russian feast. Apparently new years is a big holiday in Russia and the family's daughter in law is Russian. It was really nice and people there were great. We grabbed the pilot and flew back to king salmon. He flew back to anchorage on the Saab tonight. Pretty exciting. Wonder what we will do about the goose. Stay tuned!

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