Monday, January 30, 2012

Back in king, Internet down, and look both ways!

Well, I am back in King Salmon. It's been a little chilly but not bad. Keeping warm and flying a lot. Joel is not back yet and he might not be out here for awhile. One of our planes has undergone a rebuilding of the tail. It was bent and cracked. Probably from Joel's escapades down in the chigs earlier this month. So we are all getting extra days off and working more hours. It's been great. Sucks being here alone though. Nothing to do! I'm at eddies at the moment. Internet is down at the Penair hangar so I have to go to eddies when I can. This has been my first time down here this shift. I got an Alaskan amber with a free token I got from a couple of chigs passengers that are here in the bar. Pretty nice of them. Anyways, the last two days have been eventful. Went to the chigs both days. Weather has been beautiful. Calm and high overcast skies. No bumps and good performance. So today I was flying with Captain Pip. We talked and did all of our stops in the chigs. I asked to land in chignik lagoon. This is our shortest strip we go to and it usually takes awhile to get enough experience so the captains trust you. Captain Pip let me take it. I flew a beautiful approach right on airspeed and landed on my mark. As soon as we touched I threw the caravan into reverse. Out of the corner of my eye I see a truck start to drive across the runway! Mind you this strip is maybe 1500 feet. With the road running through the middle. The village drives this road to and from north town an south town. It's well traveled. The gal was driving a truck full of garbage in the back. She must have been going to the dump. Anyways, she pulls out into the middle of the runway. She sees us and stops dead. I jammed the plane into full reverse, slammed on the brakes, and pulled the yoke full aft. Picture a 2000 pound truck in the middle of the runway, a 5000 pound airplane traveling at 85 mph with 600 feet to stop on an icy/snow packed runway. Wasnt gonna happen! We gave it everything we had. The gal gunned her truck and we missed her by a couple of feet! The truck literally went underneath the wing. The prop wash blew snow everywhere and blew half the garbage out of the back of her truck. I CANNOT BELIEVE WE DIDN'T HIT HER! Lucky! The lady was balling her eyes out and was being held by two bystanders who watch the whole thing. I was shaking. Biggest adrenaline rush since I've been flying here in southwest Alaska. No doubt in my mind that lady would have lost her life if we hit her. Who knows what would have happened to Captain Pep and myself. Airplane would have been done. New prop/engine and everything. Moral of the story... Look both ways before crossing the damn runway!


  1. OMG Danny, Granny hates to hear things like that. I have heard to many stories about our Alaskan Bush Pilots when I was in Alaska. They risked their lives for others. I pray you are safe every day. Lets hope the town people take a better look before they drive across the run way. DUMB

  2. OMG!!!! That's a fine welcome back! Fantastic job handling the worst possible thing that could happen at the most vulnerable part of your flight. I would have had to change my drawers! I was sweating just reading that! You've definitely earned your beers, and no doubt you're ready for upgrade, too! lol.

    Be safe,

  3. Hi Honey!

    So thankful you didn't hit her. I don't think she will ever not look both ways again. Be safe you are a AWESOME pilot! Take care of yourself and looking forward to seeing you again. Love, Mom

  4. Separates the men from the boys I guess! Good job man. And Thank God it turned out Ok!
