Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goose is being Rescued

Just sent a caravan to Port Alsworth to rescue our Goose. Taking up engine heaters and barrels of fuel. Gotta get the plane back to Anchorage. It will be fully inspected and then returned to Dutch Harbor hopefully. Joel and Captain Hero headed up there. I was there yesterday. Beautiful area. Very nice and all the people are very gracious. Flew to the chigs and port Heiden today. Bumpy today and starting to get super cold again. Forecasting -25 to -30 below zero. Windchills to -40 below zero. At this point it's not even funny. When you step outside you can barely breathe. And any exposed skin hurts. It basically skips the feeling of being cold and goes straight to pain. Keeping pretty warm though. Working everyday so far. Getting to fly too. I am only 74 hours away from the hours required to upgrade to the Saab in March. I am right on track and will make it without question. I am really excited and I hope I get the chance to upgrade. This is what I want most. Keep your fingers crossed!
Follow my roommate Joel everyone!


  1. Posted by Dad 849pm pacific standard time

    I think the lowest temp I have ever felt is zero. Cant imagine running in 40 below temp

  2. I whine when the temp gets below 50. Better bring a pair of shorts with you when you go back to Seattle! Haha!! Keep posting. I always enjoy your blog.
