Sunday, January 8, 2012


Slept in today. No flying on Sunday. Congrats to the Denver Broncos on taking out the Steelers! Althought next week against the Patriots doesnt look good for Tebow. Still happy the Steelers are out.Had a great night last night. Haha. Let's just say I woke up with a headache. Anyways, weather is better today. Looking like a busy day tomorrow. Hopefully only one flight Tuesday so I can come home early but we will see. Watching a Bourne Identity marathon today. Good series. Finally got permission to use a PO box here in king. So, I will be shipping up next months supplies. Can't wait to get back to stanwood. Got a new phone waiting for me. Got the new IPhone 4s. Excited to play with that. Well, happy Sunday. Blog soon.

1 comment:

  1. that was an amazing game saw the end at Skuttlebutts with Poppy and Granny posted by dad 654pm Pacific standard time
