Saturday, October 8, 2011

End of the first week

Not much new has happened. Got to get out fairly early today. 1:30pm we were released from training. It was beautiful here today. Nice and sunny. Watched some planes takeoff and land at the airport. Explored lake hood seaport. Pretty neat. Matt, guy from central who too got a job with penair, and I have taken it upon ourselves to get to know our caravan pilots. We all hung out today and got a beer at Platnum Jaxx. The citizens got their reserve checks today. Are the freaks are out and about buying booze and cigarettes. Pretty funny. At the bar we had a native women with two teeth tell our group of guys that we were cute and she was buying us beers. Never happened but it was interesting nonetheless. All is well and tomorrow is our last day for this week of training. We have 3 days off next week and might try to get home to drop off what I dont need. We will see. No badge yet! Goodnight!

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