Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Day of School

Today I learned a lot about our company... It started out at 6:15 with a morning shower and breakfast. On Glenn Highway 1, the road running north/south through Anchorage, I encountered a small traffic slowdown. I was shocked but it was only for about 100 yards. As I got closer I saw a police vehicle blocking the center lane. Once I got up to the car I noticed a 1,200 lbs Cow moose laying in the middle of the street. The SUV that hit it was totaled. No injuries! I have been in Alaska no more than 24 hours and already encountered a moose. Too bad it was lying dead on the road! Anyways, class was long and tedious today. A LOT of paperwork and signing things. My parents and spouse/kids all get huge discounted fares on a number of major airlines. I found out that I will be on the first rotation in King Salmon, Alaska. I will not be coming back to the lower 48 until the 15th or 16th of November. My training will only be 7 days of ground, 3 days of systems,and 5 days of simulator training. Then its off to the bush to finish up training. I am gearing up for the adventure. At the end of ground we get to do survival raft training and fire training at a local wave pool. Putting out real life fires and securing a raft with freezing cold hoses drenching us is gonna be intense. This company is very organized and definitely gives me the impression of a close knit, family oriented company. I get my official ID badge tomorrow and we are starting to go over operational considerations. Lots and Lots of fun! Later!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danny! Awesome blog.....anxiously awaiting your next entry :)

    Love Mom
