Saturday, October 22, 2011

Over half way done with simulator

The full motion simulator is pretty cool. Almost finished up. I have tomorrow and Monday then I take a checkride. We can do 85% of the test in the simulator. The other 15% needs to be done in the airplane. Tuesday I will head out to the bush to finish up. Hopefully if I get done I can come home for the weekend to see Alex and my family. It's been tough being up here for so long not knowing when or where I need to be. My training is almost done though. Hoping to get in the groove with how the company works and the routes we fly. Should be exciting. Sucks though. I don't get cell service out there. Only carrier that gets service is GCI Wireless. So no phone. But I may get one of their prepaid phones. We will see. Anyways, I got my alaska state drivers license the other day. 18/20 on the written. So easy! It was pretty cool.

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