Sunday, October 16, 2011

Systems in the Morning

Well, New Hire INDOC is completed. Tested out of the class with a 90%. Everything is coming together. I have already made a hunting/fishing buddy. He has a boat and lots of guns. We plan to hunt and fish as much as possible. Saturday night I went to a Halloween party at one of the other trainees house. It was fun. Good food and free beer. It was a well deserved night off. Starting tomorrow morning we have systems which is basically an overview of exactly how the airplane works. The airplane I am flying is a Cessna Caravan 208B. Once that is over on wednesday we will immediately start simulator training. That willmlast 3-5 days and then take a check ride out in king salmon. Then I will start work on the 31 st of October and it will run until november 15th. I am missing hunting season. First time I have ever missed. Sucks. The hunting here is much better so I woulnt complain. I have been reading the regulations and I can shoot 3 black bears, 1 grizzly bear, 2 caribou, 1 moose, 1 wolverine, and 2 Dallas sheep per year. I can also shoot wolves. 10 PER DAY! Once I get my drives license it will become instate and active. So I may hunt this year after all. Some of those tags have certain dates you must hunt. Others are year round. I could definitely get used to this!

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